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3. National Bus Terminal for Puno

   -Terminal Terrestre Collasuyo (Public bus terminal)

   -Terminal Terrestre Los Incas (Private bus terminal)


When you'd like to go to Puno, you should take a taxi to these terminals and say terminal to Puno. And these 2 bus terminals are separated and both is located in the unsafe zone. If you travel alone or in the night, pay your attention to the security. I recommend you to use the terminal of Los Incas because it's much popular to the local and a little bit much safer than Collasuyo. Tax of terminal of Collasuyo is 1 sol and Los Incas is free. The counter of the bus companies in these terminals open only the time before the bus leaves.

Terminal Terrestre Collasuyo

5km from center of the city. By taxi, it takes 13mins, and it costs S6.

In the terminal there are small shops.


-From City to Terminal

By local bus, find one to “Av. Internacional”. After get off the bus, walk 2 blocks. It costs S0.7.


-From Terminal to Center of City

By local bus, find one to Center of the City, “Av. Bolognesi” or “Av. 2 de Mayo” from “Av. Internacional”. It costs S0.7.


-From Terminal to other Terminals.

By local bus, find one to “Terminal”. It costs S0.7.

Bus Company

Departure time and arrival time


2nd class/1st class

- Price in Soles, Peru.


This route is for the local. So that the time schedule is normally delayed. And bus type is old and not comfortable. You should ready for going to a sauna in the day time and going up to the snowy mountain in the night time when you get on the bus.


From Tacna to Puno


San Martín

12:45-21:00       ..........S30

19:45-04:00 (+1) ..........S25



20:00-05:00 (+1) ..........S25/S30



20:30-04:30 (+1) ..........S25


Sol Andino

20:00-05:00 (+1) ..........S25


Héroes del Pacífico

20:15-05:15 (+1) .......... S20/S25/S30




From Puno to Tacna


San Martin





21:00 ..........S25/S30






21:15-05:15 (+1) ..........S30/S40





From center of Puno to terminal

10mins by taxi, costs S4

by mototaxi, costs S2.5

To Puno
Distance: 377km, 8-10H. Altitude3,850m

-This time schedule is from "Terminal Collasuyo"

-Shared bus (Auto Compartido) leaves from the entrance of "Terminal Collasuyo". You should wait until when the bus seats are filled with passengers. It costs S40.

Reserve your ticket on websites or you can get a discount ticket. The price of ticket will be up on high season.

To Cusco
Distance: 750km, 17H. Altitude3,400m

From Terminal Los Incas


San Martin

12:00-05:00 (+1) ..........S70

Terminal Terrestre Los Incas

4km from center of the city. By taxi, it takes 11mins, and it costs S6.

In the terminal there are small shops, restaurants, a phone shop and a taxi office.


-From City to Terminal

By local bus, from “Av. Bolognesi” to the north, #11 and #14. Get off the bus at “Polvo Rosado”. In the front of it is the terminal. It costs S0.7.


-From Terminal to Center of City

By local bus, find one to Center of the City, “Av. Bolognesi” or “Av. 2 de Mayo” from “Av. Circunvalacion”. It costs S0.7.


-From Terminal to other Terminals.

By local bus, find one to “Terminal” from “Av. Cirunvalacion”. It costs S0.7.

From National Bus Terminal: To Puno

2016.3.13 ©Tacnatacna

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